Monday, March 5, 2012

There are Many Ways to Exercise

So there are many ways to exercise. People exercise for different reasons whether tone the body or to lose weight or just to be healthy. Now, I exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle and tone my body. So listed below are different exercises and what they can do for your body.

Planking is a great full body work out. I really enjoy doing this because I am trying to tone my abs and this exercise does just that. Planking consists of holding your body up in the push up position on your elbows making sure that your back remains flat. I tend to do this three times during a workout in one minute intervals.

 Jumping jacks are another great workout. I tend to do jumping jacks as a warm up. It is a great way to tone your body as well. Jumping jacks consist of starting with your legs slightly apart and your arms by your side. You jump with your legs spreading outward and your arms leaving your side and coming up and outward and above your head. You then jump again and return to the starting position. This is repeated. I tend to do about 100 jumping jacks as a warm up.

                                                                    Squats are awesome for toning. For this workout you only need a low surface such as a chair or a slightly raised surface, such as step. Squats can be done with weights to do even more toning for your glutes and thighs. With squats your back is turned towards the chair with your legs slightly apart. If you are using weights your arms or not your arms are at your side in the starting position. Then you bend your knees keeping your back and core straight and pushing your buttocks back towards the chair, slightly tapping the chair with your buttocks. If you do not have weights, place your arms in front of you when bending. With weights, keep your hands at your side. Then raise back up to the starting position. I tend to do this in sets of 25 squats three times in one workout.
 So these are only a few of many exercises that I incorporate in my workout. These exercises are simple enough to get started in exercising once again if it has been a while since you have exercised or if you just want to tone up your body or if you just want to live a healthier lifestyle.



  1. Here is also a good website to help with exercising:
